
domingo, abril 12, 2009

Bloggers ganan reconocimiento

Resulta obvio cuál es mi postura frente el fenómeno de los blogs. Creo que en ellos encuentras informaciones y opiniones libres de línea editorial y eso hace una diferencia revolucionaria en la manera en la que nos enteramos de las cosas. Acá tienen un extracto de un artículo emitido por CNN Money titulado "Financial Bloggers Gain Recognition Amid Turmoil" en el que reconocen la importancia de los blogs en el análisis de la presente crisis financiera:

"NEW YORK -(Dow Jones)- People looking for clarity during the current economic downturn are turning increasingly to financial blogs.

Financial bloggers - who run the gamut from economists to money managers to former public officials - have spewed instant analysis and criticism of the steps the government has taken during this economic crisis. From the first proposed Troubled Assets Relief Program to the current Public-Private Investment Program, bloggers have questioned the viability of these plans and how they'll fix banks balance sheets in order to pave the road to recovery.

While bloggers sometimes get bad reputations for ranting and raving from the sidelines, it's hard to question the credentials of some renowned bloggers, such as Princeton economist Paul Krugman, last year's Nobel Prize winner, and the notoriously bearish New York University economist Nouriel Roubini.

"Blogs have very much become a meritocracy," says Barry Ritholtz, chief executive at quantitative-research firm FusionIQ and author of "The Big Picture" blog. "You just have to look a little harder and work more diligently to find who's worth reading."

Y más adelante señalan:

"Bloggers, or independent voices, are helping to define the debate about what's taking place in the economy and with policymakers in D.C.," he says. "The secret to reading anything is knowing who knows what they're talking about and who not to bother with."

2 comentarios:

Virginia dijo...

Hola Henkel,

Te felicito me parece que estas haciendo tremendo trabajo.


Virginia Mihura ;)

Unknown dijo...

Gracias Virgin... I'll try to keep it up